Welcome to Singing Roots

Whether you are looking to join a singing circle straight away or just dipping your toe in the waters, I am glad you have landed in these pages. Take a breath and linger for a moment; you never know, something might just call to you if you listen carefully…

Singing circles

Singing roots us; it connects us to ourselves and when we do it in a group, it connects us to others. It is never the same twice, it can only happen with others and will be experienced differently by each and every member of the group.

Come and be part of the circle: Singing Roots circles are about turning up as you and giving yourself the chance to really check in and connect with yourself, have fun and gift yourself a moment where you don’t have to hold anything.

Our circles aren't about judging yourself, or being perfectly in time or in tune. They're about trusting yourself just enough to give it a go, for the pure enjoyment of it.

I currently run the following regular singing circles:

Weekly at Chelwood Gate village hall:

Monday 11.30-1.30pm - Oak Time women’s circle

Monthly in private woodlands near Barcombe:

The 2nd Saturday of the month, 10am-12.30pm, all welcome

Please note that by coming to one of our singing circles you agree to our terms and conditions.

Oak Time weekly women’s circle:

Mondays 11.30-1.30pm at Chelwood Gate Village Hall

£10/£8 (concs)

Oak Time is a women's circle that offers a moment in your week where the pace can slow down and you can be the one being held. Each week will be a bit different, but will always involve some gentle movement, some singing and some time in silence with blankets and relaxing oil for your hands.

Monthly circle:

The 2nd Saturday of each month, 10am-12.30pm in private woodlands near Barcombe

£20/£16 (concs).

A monthly circle in some private woodland near Barcombe (exact location given after purchase of ticket). Come and sing in the circle around the fire, connect with yourself, the land and each other. This group is a bit longer to really allow time for quiet at the end to let the songs and harmonies sink in and take a moment for ourselves before heading back to life! The circle goes ahead whatever the weather so be sure to bring whatever you may need to keep yourselves comfortable.